About RecipEZ

The last cooking reference you will ever need.
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We believe recipes should be easy to find, easy to understand, and as bare bones as possible to get you started. No one likes reading through 5 miles of blog post to find out the recipe that sounded like a great idea for dinner has that one ingredient the picky one will gag at the mere mention of.
Here we will give you the recipe first, and the story second (if there is one worth reading).



Rome wasn't built in a day. And neither was anyone's recipe collection. Ours is no exception to that universal rule of cooking, and one of the things that makes us stand apart is we don't taylor to just one type of recipe, one genre of food, we want everyone to share and swap recipes from all over the world all in one place. So help the rest of us broaden our culinary horizons by sharing a few of your own recipes with the rest of the world.



Anyone who has spent any appreciable amount of time in a kitchen knows that cooking is an iterative learning process built upon experimentation, mistakes, and failure. Eventually we end up screwing up enough times and in enough different ways that we become the cooks we are today. With RecipEZ you have a chance to pass on that knowledge and experience to the rest of the world, or learn from the collective experience of all our contributors.
Or Both.


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We know everyones inbox is proably already cluttered with a few thousand unread junk e-mails. So were not pushing, but if your into the newsletter thing heres where ours is. Just add in your name and e-mail address and we will send out a monthly newsletter with top rated recipes, new submissions, editors top pics for the month and who knows what else. If you don't want the extra clutter in your inbox, we totally get it.